Proformance Sports is a startup in the emerging field of intelligent sports equipment.

As a start up we're very busy with everything from ground breaking product design and engineering to market research studies and networking, business plan writing, patent submissions, business model development and networking, pitching investors and . . . more networking.
The latest field testing of our Gen 1 prototype took place at the beautiful DuPont Country Club in the rolling hills of eastern Pennsylvania.

Winter 2020 Patent Awarded!
We are pleased to announce the awarding of patent 10525315B1 for our Active Grip Technology™ a significant step in smart sports technology that reveals for the very first time
force data applied during both practice and play and how your grip force impacts the success of your stroke.


Fall 2018 Field Testing . . . DuPont Country Club
In October 2018 we set out to test the grip force of 5 different golfers, all with varying handicaps. Our technology reveals the force a golfer applies to their grip and we believe that understanding what your grip force looks like and learning how to correct it will greatly improve your putting, therefore lowering your handicap. Each golfer was tested at 20 and 30 feet with 5 putts per distant, the results exposed what we call “The Shape of Your Putt”, swing characteristics never before known or technically understood. Built into the grip, not a tacked on, aftermarket gadget easily damaged, our technology runs in the background of your game never interfering with play so you can capture both your practice and play statistics.

Field Testing . . . Achieved
In March of 2018 we spent two full days testing our Gen 1 prototype with a world class putting coach who was nothing less than amazed saying he has never seen output data that captured swing dynamics like the Proformance Sports SmartGrp™. We ran hundreds of trials during our time in Florida and now crafting full screen output that marries the captured data to the video's. 


Proof of Concept . . . Achieved
We are ready for 2018 and eager to start presenting, our engineering, and market research activities have finally resulted with our Proof of Concept. We are headed to Orlando, FL for the PGA Merchandise Show and a full meeting schedule. Be on the lookout for our 2018 pitch schedule and we will be on the lookout for you to attend.

Since our first pitch event back in August 2017 we have now completed 19 pitches. Each pitch event we learn a bit more about what to do, what not to do and how to respond more directly to investor questions. A big shout out of thanks to all the investors who patiently sit through pitch after pitch!

Winter 2018
Proof of Concept Accomplished!
We are headed to Orlando, Florida for the PGA Merchandise Show this January with Proof of Concept in hand and a full schedule of presentations. Please contact to schedule an appointment if you haven't made one already. Witness the next generation of sports equipment and high-tech industrialized manufacturing!


Winter 2017
We will be taking off from pitching during the months of November and December, but we won't be eating our way through the holidays! The last two months of the year will focus our attention on completing our first proof of concept, a fully operational model capable of providing a complete demonstration of the concept. As soon as we know the January 2018 presentation schedule we will post an invitation. Till than have a great holiday season. 2018 will see revolutionary changes in the field of sports equipment!